Dying to Live

Dying to Live by Sydney Lain

Book 2: Vampire Clans

Jack Turner, head of the Turner Clan and founder of a multinational corporation, controls everything. One day a letter arrives that forces him to reexamine his immortal life.

Miles Gardner is a dying human. He has never been healthy. As his final day approaches, he reaches out to ask for one last wish. When Jack enters his life, Miles is instantly attracted to the tall, dark, and sexy vampire. When Jack offers Miles a second chance, he accepts, as it means an eternity with Jack. As his new life begins, Miles finds Jack as restricting as the disease that almost killed him. He can’t embrace his new life with a controlling vampire hovering over his every move, trying to protect him from the world.

Jack has a need to control and protect what he loves, and Miles is number one on his list of important people. Can Jack let go of his controlling tendencies? Will Miles need for more freedom lead him into danger? ** A Siren Erotic Romance